You have to leave room in life to Dream.
~Buffy Sainte-Marie

Friday, April 25, 2008

Caught Up

Well, the weekend finally caught up with me. Last night I was planning on taking a short nap... I woke up three hours later! Very unproductive night. Oh, well. This weekend I should be able to catch up with the errands, work and studying I didn't get done.

Tomorrow I am going to a ladies tea with my mom. Afterwards we are (finally) going shopping for her dress for the wedding. I'm so excited. It should be fun.

Last Sunday Team Tortoise got together and started working on our costumes. We are going to look awesome! I'm so excited to run. I will be posting pictures after the race.

That's about it... Have a great weekend everyone!


Sara said...

The wedding is getting close! I hope everything is going well for it. Naps are fun...mmm...nap.

smeets said...

I can't wait to see team Tortoises outfits, I'm so sad I can't be there!