You have to leave room in life to Dream.
~Buffy Sainte-Marie

Friday, September 19, 2008


This morning I was sitting at a stop light. I saw a huge bird flying towards me (well, in my direction at least). I watched it approach because I was curious to see what kind it was. When it got closer it looked like it had a white head. I think it was an eagle! How cool is that?

(Unrelated) The other night I decided to use up some of the extra shrimp from Monday night. I decided to doctor up a recipe that a friend gave me. It is very simple and I think it's tasty. The original recipe is:

1 pound whole grain pasta
1 package edamame (shelled)
1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
some water to thin out the sauce

I added the shrimp to the sauce and soybeans. It was very tasty! The funny thing was that when I asked Ben what he thought, he asked why I put the edamame in it.

1 comment:

Sara said...

We had edamame at a Sushi restaurant the other night, and I wasn't that impressed. I can see how the recipe wouldn't need it. It sounds great otherwise.