You have to leave room in life to Dream.
~Buffy Sainte-Marie

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 1 Results

It has been over a week since I have decided to be proactive about my health. And it's a good thing too. I got my lab results back and my cholesterol is high. I'm not too surprised since last year it was high too, but I am surprised because it doesn't make sense to me: no family history, I'm at a healthy weight, I don't smoke, I am somewhat active. But my HDL (the good stuff) is at a great level, so for now my doctor isn't worried about it and we will continue to monitor it.

This past week my back has been not happy, so I haven't hit the cardio like I planned. It is feeling a lot better, so today I will start with the exercise. Since I was somewhat immobile, this week I started making small changes to my life. For example, it is pretty much guaranteed that by 10 am I am hungry. Usually I grab a few small candies from the candy dish at work. This week I brought a container of dried apricots to munch on instead. I know that I'm not "saving" calories by doing this, but apricots provide better nutrition than refined sugar (shocking!). At night I have been known to have a bowl of ice cream. This week I have been having pudding instead. This is saving some calories and it is also a better source of calcium. And the final change is that I have gotten into the habit of having pop with dinner. This week I have been purposefully choosing water some of the time instead.

Results: No weight loss yet. No inches lost yet. But that is what I expected.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Your changes are encouraging to me. Good for you!