You have to leave room in life to Dream.
~Buffy Sainte-Marie

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Genevieve Marie

At 9:30 pm on August 22, 2014, we welcomed Genevieve Marie into our lives.

She was 8 pounds, 1 oz and 20.5 inches long. Ten fingers. Ten toes. And absolutely perfect!

On August 21 I had my weekly doctor's appointment. I was dilated to a 2. I figured that our little girl would be making her appearance soon. My mom had flown in on the 16, so we had child care for Adelyn and Odin all set, so really, the baby could come whenever she wanted to. That night I had contractions on a fairly regular intervals (every 6 minutes). But they weren't painful yet. Before heading to bed, Ben and I made sure our bag for the hospital was all set and ready to go.

We made it until morning with nothing much happening. We had breakfast and tried to have a normal day. I played with A and O. I worked a bit. Contractions were coming more frequently. And they were starting to hurt. Ben started to get concerned that we were going to have the baby on the freeway on the way to the hospital, so after we fed the kids (well, everyone but me) we packed up in the cars and went to the hospital.

They checked me out and I was at 4 cm with a bulging bag, so they weren't going to let me go anywhere without having the baby first. Once I got into a room, we said goodbye to Adelyn, Odin and Grandma.

The nurse,Janice, was having technical difficulties with our room. She couldn't get the computer up. That meant she couldn't monitor remotely my contractions or the baby. That meant she had to stay in our room. That was fine, just annoying for her because she had to keep calling other nurses in to do things. We all thought baby was going to come quickly, so Janice was working quickly to get everything set. I made it to 6 cm. and had just got an epidural when the decision was made to move me to a room with working technology. I think Janice thought the baby was going to be delivered in the hallway. She kept informing everyone helping to move me (had to move the bed because of the epidural) that I was at 6 and this was my third. We made it without incident to the new room.

Then things slowed down. I think my body was too comfortable. Contractions slowed way down and my progress slowed down too. At this point they wanted to give me to pitocin. We asked if we could wait an hour. The doctor agreed. So, we tried to make me uncomfortable. Instead of relaxing in a reclined position, I sat up more to get gravity to help more. I moved from side to side every 10-15 minutes to get the baby to move on her own. It worked! I was back to making process.

At some point during all this, my doctor made the call that he wasn't going to deliver for me. He technically had the day off and had already been at the hospital most of the day with others. Janice assured me that the doctor on call was excellent and one of her favorites.

Nurse change! We said goodbye to Janice and said hello to Keisha. She was very nice too. My pain level was going up. We talked about getting more drugs. We had some more administered. The next time I was checked, she asked me to do a practice push to make sure I could push. She said the baby's head was "right there." So I gave a little push. Keisha started to yell at me to stop. She told me to not even sneeze until the doctor came in.

Our room got a little busy with the baby nurse getting everything ready and Dr. Juarez getting ready. He asked if I was ready to push. Sure! Let's get this over with. :) With the next contraction he had me push. He told me to stop basically mid-push... she was born! Seriously, less than one push and she was out. No tears even.

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