You have to leave room in life to Dream.
~Buffy Sainte-Marie

Thursday, February 7, 2008


(Warning - if you don't like mice and you come to our house at all, don't read this post).

Every fall as the weather turns cold, we get a few house guests from the great outdoors. Usually a few traps with some PB does the trick. This fall it was a different story... I think the whole mouse community moved in. We caught a bunch with traps and then didn't see them for a while so we thought we were done for the season. Around Christmas time we started seeing them again. So more traps were set. With no results! I seriously think these mice are PB resistant.

In the past, Zoey has been unaware of our guests. She'll be curious when we're emptying a trap, but that was about it. Again, this year it's a different story. She stalks her prey. And she does rounds all the time to see if she can find one. In the past, she always sleeps with Ben while I shower and get ready. This past week she leaves the bedroom with me and inspects the house. At night instead of pestering me to come to bed, she goes up and down the hallways, in the kitchen and dining room and sniffs around every couch. Then repeats. Crazy.

Anyway, we bought some poison for the garage and bought a bunch more traps. So far we have caught one.

If there are mouse lovers out there, let me assure you that we tried to deal with these cute mice in a humane way... but they didn't like the live traps either. So the death traps that we have are insta-death ones so at least they die quickly.

1 comment:

Sara said...

That is icky! But I'm used to gross intruders, I'll be fine.